Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Walled City

     When I first came to Hong Kong, I worked for St. Stephen's Society. Part of our work was in a place called the "Walled City." There is a book about Jackie Pullinger's work that she wrote called: "Chasing the Dragon." The book reads like a novel but is a real story. If I hadn't worked with this lady, I may have had a hard time believing that this story is real. 
    When I first started working there, one of the workers told me that people have to be partly crazy to want to do this kind of work. I was offended at the time, but thinking about it many years later, I can see why she would say that.
    My visit to Hong Kong was the first time I had ever left the USA. I landed in a city of 7 million people all stacked on top of each other. It felt like a big bee hive. Some people from St. Stephen's Society picked me up and took me to Hang Fook Camp. This was a place that was used to help drug addicts begin adjusting to real life.  I didn't sleep the first night. However, I'm not sure if it was jet lag or excitement about being in a new segment of my life.
     The next day, I was told to take 2 addicts and 2 older brothers as we called them to an island and pray for them to come off of drugs. And so my life as a missionary began.
     I don't work with this group any more, but it made an impact on my life.  I have come to respect the work that she does and enjoy the times when I run into those that have come out of her work.
Here is a video link to a documentary that was made the year we worked there.  It tells about the work that Jackie Pullinger and St. Stephen's Society do much better then I could.

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