Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Would God Judge the World ?


      Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-2 that if we judge we will be judged back. What we sow is what we will reap back. Many times the church does this and then we are surprised when it comes back and hits us on the backside. We may see the effects on the nation we live in and blame it on unbelievers when the problem can often be linked to the Christians and their attitude towards those that don't believe in Jesus.

     1 Peter 4:17 says that judgement begins with the household of God. Why would God be judging the Church? From reading various passages in Scripture like the letters to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, we see that God still has a standard for the church even though we are saved by grace.

     An interesting point is that the only church in Revelation that was not judged was the church that loved. When believers can look past the sin in peoples' lives and take the love of God to unbelievers, the impact will be dramatic and life changing. There are different ministries in the world today that are bringing many people to the Lord through simply bringing God's love. Many Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus have become Christians because missionaries just loved on these people.

     So is there a time when it is alright to recognize issues as being not right? In 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 Paul said we are not to keep company with those who are in the church who are fornicators, or covetous, or extortioners, idolaters, railers (people that are, by habit, abusive or slanderous in the way that they speak), and drunkards. Other passages of the Bible mention other sinful habits that fit into this list. We are not even supposed to eat or spend time with people like that. This is a tough passage.

      I want to say that I believe these behaviors are fruit of wounding, and that some Christians have weakness in these areas based on past hurts. Unfortunately, the church often does not know how to minister freedom. The Body of Christ also does not always offer understanding and compassion to those desiring to change. Transformation takes time and sanctification is a process. The heart is more important than outward behavior - and it is those who are unwilling to seek help and justifying their sin but believe themselves to be Christian that we are told to distance ourselves from. On the other hand, verse 12-13 says we are not to judge those outside of the church but leave those outside for God to judge. 

     Why was Sodom judged ? I used to think that it was because of the sexual sin. When the angels went to check out the city, scripture records that all the men in the city wanted to rape the angels. But Ezekiel 16:49-50 said that that main issues were that the people had plenty to eat, a lot of free time, and they did not help the poor in a way to get them out of poverty. So God destroyed them. Now I do want to clarify that I believe sexual sin is a byproduct of the other problems.

      We need to quit thinking that the government is supposed to fix problems. Pain in this world provides opportunity to show God's care. There is much the church can do to practically show the love of God and meet the needs of others. One example is in the area of poverty: People in the church should be doing things to train others in types of work that will help them become financially independent.

      So if judgment starts with the household of God where does this leave us ? As a church we need to quit judging those outside of the church. This does not mean that we stop noticing that there is sin in the world. Rather we need to recognize that it is God's loving kindness through us that will change people not our judgments. We need to use some of that free time we all have to just love on people so they will know the love of Jesus.

Feel free to leave me an e-mail or a comment. I want to know what you think.

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